Help Articles

Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Generation Data Reporting

M-RETS Users can use Southwest Power Pool (SPP) to report their generation data (MWh). To use SPP as a reporting entity a user must have a generator located in the SPP footprint and the generator must be at least 5 MW or larger in nameplate capacity. SPP Market Participants that would like to use SPP as their Qualified Reporting Entity must submit the SPP Generator Data Release Form.

To use SPP as the Qualified Reporting Entity for a generator:

Change the reporting entity under the generator registration to Southwest Power Pool.

View the hourly data reported by SPP

SPP generation data is reported in an hourly format. Users can view their hourly data from their Certificates dashboard.

The Generation Profile will be displayed in a pop-up window. The Visualization tab will display the hourly generation data in a graph

The Generation Profile’s Data tab will display the hourly generation data in a table. OnPeak data will be displayed in green. The user can download the data into PDF or CSV format using the download button (Arrow Icon)