Help Articles

Adding a Program

This article will describe the basics of the Program feature.

NOTE: This article is intended for Regulators. If you received an email invitation to participate in a program, navigate here.


The Programs feature allows for the creation of specific criteria and eligibilities to be used in order for certificates to be retired. A Program Administrator invites participants to a program and can create eligibility requirements that must be met such as vintage, fuel source, generator location, eligibilities, etc. Programs can be set up for either voluntary or compliance use.


In order to see the new feature and create programs, you will need to enable Program permissions.

You will now see the “Programs” tab in the dashboard

Adding a Program

Navigate to the Programs tab in the Dashboard. This page will display any active or closed programs under your organization.

You will now input the General Information for the Program:

This is the ruleset page. Program Administrators can establish criteria that certificates must meet in order to be counted towards the Program. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO RULES ARE REQUIRED

In the below example, certificates can only be retired that have a vintage of Jan 2023 to Dec 2023 and they must have Minnesota eligibility applied to them.

After you have applied your rules, if any, select “Continue”. The next page will allow you to invite participants to your program.